Monday, May 24, 2021

The Hindu vocabulary

/main-qimg-503d3a74b92aafc9dfc09dcaf6fa1a02.webp1. DISPARATE (ADJECTIVE): (भिन्न): contrasting Synonyms: discordant, diverse Antonyms: agreeing, alike Example Sentence: Anamika made disparate arguments. 2. CUTTING-EDGE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक उन्नत): highly advanced Synonyms: innovative, pioneering Antonyms: outdated Example Sentence: The firm introduced some cutting-edge technology. 3. CESSATION (NOUN): (ठहराव): abeyance Synonyms: breather, discontinuance Antonyms: activity, continuity Example Sentence: Since the bad weather has caused a temporary building cessation, the office building will not be completed on time. 4. DEFALCATION (NOUN): (गबन): default Synonyms: disaster, failure Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement Example Sentence: Ravi made defalcation in funds. 5. CANDOR (NOUN): (निष्कपटता): frankness Synonyms: directness, fairness Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness Example Sentence: She has done her task with complete candor. 6. ACQUIT (VERB): (बरी करना): absolve Synonyms: clear, exonerate Antonyms: convict Example Sentence: One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted. 7. RECURRENT (ADJECTIVE): (आवर्तक): repeated Synonyms: recurring, repetitive Antonyms: isolated Example Sentence: She had a recurrent dream about falling. 8. MODERATE (VERB): (घटना): abate Synonyms: let up, lessen Antonyms: get up Example Sentence: I shall not moderate my criticism. 9. DESCRIPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (वर्णनात्मक): illustrative Synonyms: expressive, pictorial Antonyms: undescriptive Example Sentence: The text contains some good descriptive passages. 10. DEARTH (NOUN): (दुर्लभता): lack Synonyms: scarcity, Antonyms: abundance Example Sentence: There was a dearth of evidence.

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